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MORELET, Arthur.
Reisen in Central-Amerika. In deutscher Bearbeitung von Dr. H. Hertz.
Jena, Hermann Costenoble 1876.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Reise

MORELET, Arthur. Reisen in Central-Amerika. In deutscher Bearbeitung von Dr. H. Hertz.
2. Aufl. gr.-Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm.VIII, 2 Bll., 362 S.Mit 1 gefalt. lithogr. Karte, 7 Taf. in Tondruck. 3 Fig. u. Notenbeispiele. OLn.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOLn. = Original-Leineneinband Einbd. m. Gold-, Schwarz- u. Blindpräg. Berieb. Rü. restaur. Durchgeh. stockfl.

vgl. Sabin I, 367, 50593

[SW: Reise, Amerika]
Reise, Amerika
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LEHNHARDT, J[oseph]. Illustrations to the Hand-Book for Travellers on the Continent; contained in a series of Maps of the most frequented Roada through Holland, Belgium and Germany, beautifully engraved, coloured, and more minutely and carefully laid down than in any Post-map:  with the By-Roads through the most interesting and picturesque Districts and with a great number of Plans of the principal Towns on the Continent drawn from the most survey and engraved on stone.
LEHNHARDT, J[oseph].
Illustrations to the Hand-Book for Travellers on the Continent; contained in a series of Maps of the most frequented Roada through Holland, Belgium and Germany, beautifully engraved, coloured, and more minutely and carefully laid down than in any Post-map: with the By-Roads through the most interesting and picturesque Districts and with a great number of Plans of the principal Towns on the Continent drawn from the most survey and engraved on stone.

EUR 680,00
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BERTARELLI, L. V. Oberitalien. Touring Club Italiano.
Oberitalien. Touring Club Italiano.

EUR 25,00
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 Drei Tage in Pest-Ofen. Kurzgefaßter Wegweiser für Fremde.

Drei Tage in Pest-Ofen. Kurzgefaßter Wegweiser für Fremde.

EUR 550,00
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STOLL, H. W. Wanderungen durch Alt-Griechenland.
Wanderungen durch Alt-Griechenland.

EUR 75,00
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EUR 50,00
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Antiquariat Burgverlag, AT-1010 Wien
