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The Iron and Steel Industry:
Uniform Cost System. The Iron and Steel Industry.
London, Caxton House, 1935.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Ökonomie-allgemein

235 S. With fold out plates Paperback

Ex.-Libr., Good condition.

[SW: Wirtschaft, Economy]
Wirtschaft, Economy
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Hasan, Syed Fakhrul:
Introduction To Welfare Economics.

EUR 14,70
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Jacobs, Otto H. / Spengel, Christoph  Effective Tax Burden in Europe. Current Situation, Past Developments and Simulations of Reforms.
Jacobs, Otto H. / Spengel, Christoph
Effective Tax Burden in Europe. Current Situation, Past Developments and Simulations of Reforms.

EUR 6,90
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The Mysore Population Study. Report of a field survey carried out in selected areas of Mysore State, India. (=Population Studies; No. 34). A co-operative project of the United Nations and the Government of India.

EUR 16,10
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Neuberger, Doris:
Finanzstruktur, Wettbewerb und Kapitalakkumulation. (=Campus Forschung ; Bd. 629).

EUR 9,00
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