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Mandy Suhr/Jemima Lumley/Debi Gliori (Illustr.)
The Orchard Children`s Treasury for Children of All Ages
Orchard Books 1997
ISBN/EAN: 9781860395567

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher

Mandy Suhr/Jemima Lumley/Debi Gliori (Illustr.)  The Orchard Children`s Treasury for Children of All Ages
Hardcover/gebunden mit minimalen äußeren Gebrauchsspuren, Seiten sauber - wie neu! ISBN 9781860395567 The Orchard Children''s Treasury comprises a variety of stories and poems, both traditional and contempor ary, spanning the breadth of the highly acclaimed Orchard li st. One hundred books in one, The Orchard Children's Treasury packs all the best stories and poems into a single enticing bundle. Divided into three sections--The Nursery Years, The Early Years, and Stories for All--this attractive collection is designed to provide enjoyment to children from the cradle to adulthood. Tiny tots will be drawn to the bright pictures and catchy rhymes of section one. Here they'll take a ride in Mr Bear's Plane, practice counting with the delightful One Hungry Baby and Five Little Ducks, learn their ABCs and take a trip with daddy to the grocery store. Older youngsters will delight in Billy and the Brilliant Babysitter, Katie and the Dinosaurs, along with a dozen other dazzling tales. Finally, section three introduces your child to time-tested favourites like The Emperor's New Clothes, Sleeping Beauty, and the story of the Trojan War. Enough can't be said about the superb quality of illustrations. Even the most fidgety won't be able to resist Sue Hellard's cuddly gators and hens, Arthur Robbins' ghastly ghouls, Debi Gliori's irresistible Mr. Bear, along with all the rest. As Lewis Carroll writes in The Lobster Quadrille: There is another shore, you know, upon the other side. The further off from England the nearer is to France - Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance. This superlative volume is your child's ticket to that shore of imagination and wonder otherwise known as reading. 400 20 x 27 cm

[SW: englischsprachiges Kinderbuch/Rarität/Gedichte]
englischsprachiges, Kinderbuch/Rarität/Gedichte
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