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Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne
Oeuvres Melees de Madame Le Prince de Beaumont, Extraites des Journaux &
premier fois en formee de Recueil, Maestricht ( Maastricht ) chez J. E. Dufour & Phil. Roux

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literatur

Imprim. & Libraires 1775, XXII,309,305,296 S. 3 vol. ( 3 Bde.) chagrin (Orig.Leder geb. kl.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm mit Goldpräg., Einb. u. Kanten berieben, Ecken bestossen sonst guter Zustand) Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie ( 1711- 1780 ), popular French writer of didactic literature. Educated in a convent school in Rouen, she later became a teacher in the schools which, at that time, were being developed for children of all social classes. In 1741 she married M. de Beaumont, a dissolute libertine, and the marriage was annulled after two years. In 1745 she departed for England, where she earned her living as a governess. During her long residence in London, she made a name for herself by publishing short stories in magazines and producing collections of anecdotes, stories, fairy tales, commentaries, and essays directed at specific social and age groups, all with a strong pedantic bent. For instance, she published a series of pedagogical works with the following titles: Le Magasin des enfants (1757 incl. Beauty and the beast ), Le Magasin des adolescents (1760), Le Magasin des pauvres (1768), Le Mentor moderne (1770), Manuel de la jeunesse (1773), and Magasin des dévotes (1779). In 1762 she returned to France, where she continued her voluminous production, and retired to a country estate in Haute-Savoie in 1768. Among her major works of this period were Mémoires de la Baronne de Batteville (1776), Contes moraux (1774), and OEuvres mêlées ( 1775 ). By the time of her death, she had written over 70 books.

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Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat Inh. R. Pfeiffer Lörracher Str. 3 D- 79541 Lörrach - Brombach Tel.: (0049) 07621 82099 www.jpha.de info@jpha.de ----------------------------------------------- Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat Inh. R. Pfeiffer
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