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Valentine , David Thomas
D.T. Valentine : Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York
January 7. 1850 Page 99/100 - 408, (first part ) Page 473 - 820

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geographie

(second part) 1866 / 310, 357 p. S. with 27 hand colored lithographs,folded maps ,illustrations by George Hayward, Edmond Halley, H. R. Robinson, D.T. Valentine ( David Thomas) was a prominent citizen of the city of New York and the compiler of several volumes on the history and government of New York City, including his better known works, the Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York. His Manuals, published from 1841-1867, were collections of historical, topographic, cartographic and social information as well as illustrations by a vast pool of illustrators and artists. Valentine, who served the clerk of the Common Council of the City of New York, published the Manuals annually, and they quickly became must haves for New York City Residents. The Manuals were marvelous compendiums of information on the greatest American city, its government, social organizations, buildings, economic institutions, infrastructure and daily life. In 1869, the Manuals were referred to by the New York Times, as “almost necessity among New-Yorkers.ABOUAntikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOU = Original-UmschlagT VALENTINE'S MANUAL: A series of New York City fact books and almanacs entitled Manual of the Corporation Of The City of New York were edited and published by David T. Valentine for much of the 19th century. Popularly called Valentine's Manual, it included facts about the City of New York, city history, city council information, and reported on the progress of public works such as Central Park. One of the responsibilities of whoever held the position of the Clerk of the City of New York was the production of the manual on an annual basis. Both D. Valentine and Joseph Shannon held the position at different times and produced similar manuals. Some of the finest and most important maps of New York City ever created were produced by Valentine during his stewardship of the position of Clerk.by G. Hayward, 180 Fulton St. Author: Hayward, George, Halley, Edmond, (cont. document : These are to certify nominated - Firemen of City of New York , a folded map New York City 1695, The view of Fort Amsterdam, Fort Gansevoort, Croton Aqueduct at Harlem River, East view of Hell Gate in the Province of New York 1775, New York State Arsenal 1783, South East view of the City of New York 1768, History of Wall Street : Corner of Exchange Place 1690 , Sub Treasury , City Hall a.o., The Last of the Lennert Estate between 49th & 50th Street near 10th Avenue, Map / Plan City of New Yorh Great Fire 1776 / 1778, (,2 lose Buchblöcke in Mappen , guter Zustand)

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