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Dawids, Steen and Bantjes (Edts.):
Blood Compatible Materials and Their Testing. Sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, as advised by the Committee on Medical and Public Health Research and the Committee on Bioengineering Evaluation of Technology Transfer and Standardization. (=Developments in Hematology and Immunology).
Dordrecht, Nijhoff Publishers, 1986.
ISBN/EAN: 9780898388138

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Medizin

Dawids, Steen and Bantjes (Edts.):  Blood Compatible Materials and Their Testing. Sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, as advised by the Committee on Medical and Public Health Research and the Committee on Bioengineering Evaluation of Technology Transfer and Standardization. (=Developments in Hematology and Immunology).
376 Seiten; graph. Darst. 23,4 x 15,6 x 2,4 cm, Hardcover

Ex.-Libr., Good condition.

[SW: Biologie, Biochemie, Physiochemie, Plasmen, Blut, blutunterstützte Materialien, Test, biochemische Versuche, Naturwissenschaft]
Biologie, Biochemie, Physiochemie, Plasmen, Blut, blutunterstützte, Materialien, Test, biochemische, Versuche, Naturwissenschaft
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Die Gesundheitspflege in der Rheinprovinz. Eine medizingeschichtliche Studie.

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Pocket Companion to Sabiston Textbook of Surgery.

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Parish, Lawrence C. et. al.:
The Decubitus Ulcer in Clinical Practice.

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Genetic Recombination in Cancer.

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