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Anonym (Nottingham, Heneage Finch Earl of, 1621-1682)
An Exact and Most Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial and Judgment (According to Law) of Twenty Nine Regicides, the Murtherers of his Late Sacred Majesty of Most Glorious Memory
Imprimatur John Berkenhead, Printed for Andrew Crook and Edward Powell, London 1660

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Anonym (Nottingham, Heneage Finch Earl of, 1621-1682) An Exact and Most Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial and Judgment (According to Law) of Twenty Nine Regicides, the Murtherers of his Late Sacred Majesty of Most Glorious Memory
Halbleder/ Hartkarton Sehr gut

Noch Titel (title continued): " begun at Hicks-Hall on Tuesday the 9th of October 1660, and continued (at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayley) until Friday, the nineteenth of the same moneth : together with a summary of the dark and horrid decrees of the caballists, preperatory to that hellish fact exposed to view for the reader's satisfaction, and information of posterity." In Englisch. ERSTAUSGABE, ORIGINALAUSGABE. Von unserer Buchbinderin fachmännisch und liebevoll gebunden. Farbig gepunkteter /pappbezogener Einband, abgerundete Lederecken, Lederrücken, montiertes goldgeprägtes Titelschildchen, 5 Bünde, tadellos. 283 Seiten, Lesebändchen, Schlußvignette, gute Typographie, insgesamt sehr gut erhalten. +++ In english. FIRST AND ORIGINAL EDITION. Lovingly bound by our bookbinder, leather spine with gilded title, 280 pages, ribbon-marker, clean, well printed, altogether very good condition. +++ 14,5 x 18,8 cm, 0,4 kg. +++ Stichwörter/Keywords: Englische Geschichte Jura Regicide Rarität Rara Prozesse British History Trials Königsmord

[SW: Englische Geschichte Jura Regicide Rarität Rara Prozesse British History Trials Königsmord]
Englische, Geschichte, Jura, Regicide, Rarität, Rara, Prozesse, British, History, Trials, Königsmord
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Douglas Leechman
Native Tribes of Canada.

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Herausgegeben von F. Aereboe, J. Hansen und T. Roemer.
Handbuch der Landwirtschaft. 5 Bände.

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Geleitwort Karl Kaufmann
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Las Obras Y Relaciones De Antonio Perez Secretario De Estado Que Fue Del Rey De Espana, Don Phelippe Secondo Desde Nombre Illustrat Dum Vexat.

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Antiquariat Clement, DE-53111 Bonn
