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Overland to the pacific. Volume 1 - 7 (from 8). Volume I: Zebulon Pike's Arkansaw Journal: In search of the Southern Louisiana purchase boundary line (Interpreted by His newly Recovered Maps) / Volume 2: Southest on the Turquoise Trail. The first diaries on the road to Santa Fe / Volume 3: Where Roll the Oregon. Prophet and Pessimist Look Northwest / Volume 4: The Call of the Columbia. Iron men Saints take the Oregon Rail / Volume 5: The Oregon Crusade. A cross Land and sea to Oregon / Volume 6: Marcus Whitman,Crusader. Part one ( 1802 to 1839)+ two (=Vol. 7) 1839 to 1843. (part Three (= Vol.8) 1843 to 1847 is missing!!)
The Stewart Commission of Colorado College and The Denver Public Library, 1932-, 1936.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Amerika

Frontispiece, XCVI, 200 pages / Frontispiece, XIV, 301 pages / Frontispiece, XV, 244 pages / Frontispiece, XVII, 317 pages / Frontispiece, XVI, 301 pages, with some maps and illustrations / Frontispiece, XII, 341 pages. All books with maps and illustrations. Or.-linen-binding. Format: 24,5 x 16cm.

Good copies. Some of the pages are unopened. Cover a little bit rubbed. Ringe is a little bit loose. Volume 6: Marcus Whitman,Crusader. part Three (= Vol.8) 1843 to 1847 is missing!! (Shipping to USA cost: $ 50,-)

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Rethinking Canada. The Promise of Women's History. First /1./ edition.

EUR 13,00
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The Will to succeed. Stories of Swedish Pioneers. A collection of stories chosen from a group which were entered in a contest on the subject of: "The influence of Swedish Settlers on a Community of Religion", sponsored by the Swedish American Line in commemoration of the Swedish Pioneer Centennial of 1948. First /1./ edition.

EUR 13,00
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Selkirk. New edition.

EUR 13,00
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Der Cowboy. Legende und Wirklichkeit von A-Z. Ein Lexikon der amerikanischen Pioniergeschichte. Sonderausg.

EUR 13,00
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EUR 650,00
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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
