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New cities for old. City building in terms of space, time and money. Second /2./ Printing.
New York, McGraw Hill, 1946.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Amerika

V, 232 Seiten with alot of illustrations. Blue Or.-Linenbinding. Or.-colourillustrated dust-jacket. Gr.8vo. (Format: 25 x 20 cm).

Dust-jacket stained. Cut edges mouldy.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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The Early Family Home. The Early Settler Life Series.

EUR 13,00
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Kügler, Dietmar:
Der Sheriff. Recht und Gesetz im wilden Westen.

EUR 13,00
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VANCOUVER. British Columbia. The Pacific Gateway. A Series of Sixteen Prominent Points of Interest Reproduced by Color Photography.

EUR 15,00
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 Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the direction of the secretary of war, in 1854-5, according to acts of congress of march 3, 1853, may 31, 1854, and august 5, 1854. Volume VI.

Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the direction of the secretary of war, in 1854-5, according to acts of congress of march 3, 1853, may 31, 1854, and august 5, 1854. Volume VI.

EUR 300,00
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EUR 13,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 56153

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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
