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LIFE. International Edition. November 1, 1965. Vol.39, No.9. Beginning: The Family: Germany, A series on the ordinary folk of the world, Britain's Leading Artists. gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschenk aus Jahr und Tag der Geburt 80 pages with a lot of illustrations. Colourillustrated OBrosch. Gr.4to. (Format: 36 x 27 cm).
In good condition. On the Titlepage: English Artist Peter Blake with some of his trophies. Further Stories: Richard Schickel reviews the Charlon Heston - Rex Harrison historical whopper of Michaelangelo's life, Volcano Disaster: A lovely Island Pearl suddenly erupts, German Reunification? "The Grand Design": Selections from the controversial book, The Finland of Sibelius: In the words of the composer and in the pictures on M.E. Newman etc. [SW: America. Present for year and day of birth.] America., Present, year, birth.
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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