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LIFE. International Edition. July 26, 1965. Vol.39, No.2. 14 pages in color: Life on the Riviera's Most Luxurious Yachts, The Making of the President - 1964: How Johnson Dropped Bobby Kennedy, What We Now Know about Mars.
New York, Time Inc., 1965.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschenk aus Jahr und Tag der Geburt

80 pages with a lot of illustrations. Colourillustrated OBrosch. Gr.4to. (Format: 36 x 27 cm).

In good condition. On the Titlepage: A bikini-clad guest of one of the luxurious yachts sailing the Mediterranean, prepares for a dip in the azure waters. Further Stories: Kangaroo, Goodby: In Australia the kangaroo joins the emu, koala bear and other rare animals on the road to extinction, The embattled Kurds: The story of a remote and determined people, A littered world he never made: An intrepid 5-year-old's day in Kawasaki, A sight few live to tell about: An engine and part of a wing plummet in flames from a jet airliner etc.

[SW: America. Present for year and day of birth.]
America., Present, year, birth.
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Der Spiegel. 21.11.1972, 26. Jahrgang. Nr. 48. Das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin. Titelgeschichte: Die Sieger; Nr. 7 Wahl-Spezial.

EUR 13,00
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 Kladderadatsch. 11.06.1916. Nr. 24. 69. Jahrgang

Kladderadatsch. 11.06.1916. Nr. 24. 69. Jahrgang

EUR 13,00
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 Kladderadatsch. 28.03.1915. Nr. 13. 68. Jahrgang

Kladderadatsch. 28.03.1915. Nr. 13. 68. Jahrgang

EUR 13,00
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Fürs Haus. 19.11.1911. Nr. 8. Jahrgang 30 (Nr. 1520). Praktisches Wochenblatt für alle Hausfrauen. Herausgegeben von Clara von Studnitz. Ausgabe B ohne Schnittmusterbogen.

EUR 9,00
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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
