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LIFE. International Edition. July 25, 1966, Vol.41, No.2. De Gaulle's Bold New Power Play / Surveyor reports: The True Color of the Moon.
New York, Time Inc, 1966.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschenk aus Jahr und Tag der Geburt

 LIFE. International Edition. July 25, 1966, Vol.41, No.2. De Gaulle's Bold New Power Play / Surveyor reports: The True Color of the Moon.
72 pages and a lot of illustrations. Colourillustr. OBrosch. Gr.4to (35x27cm).

In a good condition. On the Cover: Contrasting with orange-hued rising moon seen from earth, Surveyor's photo shows gray-hued moonscape and a 6-inch-high rock. Further Stories: At Hanoi, the war's flaming turn. Bobby Kennedy rides down River of No Return // Two splendid blows to save our world // Doctor learn about levels of memory and worms "learn" by eating "educated" worms, as medicine probes into the molecules of the mind // Electric guitars bring on a rash of teen-age combos etc.

[SW: America, Present for year an day of birth.]
America, Present, year, birth.
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JUGEND. 17.12.1906. Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben. Begründet von Dr. Georg Hirth.

EUR 17,00
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Der Spiegel. 12.02.1973, 27. Jahrgang. Nr. 7. Das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin. Titelgeschichte: Kranker Dollar - Bonn in Not; SPIEGEL-Gespräch mit Sartre - "Volksfront nicht besser als Gaullisten".

EUR 13,00
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JUGEND. 8.09.1914. Nr. 37. Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben. Begründet von Dr. Georg Hirth.

EUR 17,00
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