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LIFE. International Edition. April 6, 1964, Vol.36, No.6. Elizabeth II at 38, an underestimated, misunderstood monarch / Jack Ruby, The trial of the assassin's assassin / Scandinavia: Troubles of a Welfare State / Richard Burton writes of Becket and himself.
New York, Time Inc, 1964.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschenk aus Jahr und Tag der Geburt

 LIFE. International Edition. April 6, 1964, Vol.36, No.6. Elizabeth II at 38, an underestimated, misunderstood monarch / Jack Ruby, The trial of the assassin's assassin / Scandinavia: Troubles of a Welfare State / Richard Burton writes of Becket and himself.
80 pages and a lot of illustrations. Colourillustr. OBrosch. Gr.4to (35x27cm).

In a good condition. On the Cover: Elizabeth II. Further Stories: Melancholy Danes: The Pursuit of Happiness in the Welfare State // War on Cyprus : On a sun-washed island, guns and blood: The Canadians get there fast to help keep the peace // Medical Miracle: "Code 99" calls a hospital to battle against death: Ten pages of dramatic photographs show how stilled hearts are returned to life // Drama in Black and White: Africa's dramatic hit: Sponono, Alan Paton's play, arrives on Broadway etc.

[SW: America, Present for year an day of birth.]
America, Present, year, birth.
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SIMPLICISSIMUS. 1901, Nr. 30. Illustrierte Wochenschrift. Begründet von Albert Langen und Th. Th. Heine.

EUR 13,00
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 Kladderadatsch. 1925. Nr. 19,  78. Jahrgang

Kladderadatsch. 1925. Nr. 19, 78. Jahrgang

EUR 10,00
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 SIMPLICISSIMUS. 1901, Nr. 6, 6. Jahrgang. Illustrierte Wochenschrift. Begründet von Albert Langen und Th. Th. Heine.

SIMPLICISSIMUS. 1901, Nr. 6, 6. Jahrgang. Illustrierte Wochenschrift. Begründet von Albert Langen und Th. Th. Heine.

EUR 16,00
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 JUGEND. 11.12.1901. Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben. Begründet von Dr. Georg Hirth.

JUGEND. 11.12.1901. Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben. Begründet von Dr. Georg Hirth.

EUR 17,00
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