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LIFE. International Edition. December 28, 1964, Vol.37, No.12. In Color: New York All Dressed Up for Christmas / Also in this Issue: In Color: The Pope in India / What the U-2s Found / In Color: The Gay Spectacle of the Rockettes.
New York, Time Inc, 1964.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschenk aus Jahr und Tag der Geburt

 LIFE. International Edition. December 28, 1964, Vol.37, No.12. In Color: New York All Dressed Up for Christmas / Also in this Issue: In Color: The Pope in India / What the U-2s Found / In Color: The Gay Spectacle of the Rockettes.
80 pages and a lot of illustrations. Colourillustr. OBrosch. Gr.4to (35x27cm).

In a good condition. On the Cover: New York. Further Stories: The Monutmental Bluff: How Nikita Khrushchev tried to dupe the US // Great Families: The Malboroughs: Benefactors of the British Empire, beneficiaries of royal gratitude // Movies: Action, your highness! The Duke of Windsor, Britain's ex-king, becomes a film star etc.

[SW: America, Present for year an day of birth.]
America, Present, year, birth.
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SIMPLICISSIMUS. 08.11.1904, Nr. 33. Illustrierte Wochenschrift. Begründet von Albert Langen und Th. Th. Heine.

EUR 13,00
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Der Spiegel. 06.02.1978, 32. Jahrgang. Nr. 6. Das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin. Titelgeschichte: Wanzen - Wanzen - Wanzen - Staatsaffäre MAD - Abhör-General Scherer; Die Kabinettskrise um Kanzler Schmidt.

EUR 13,00
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 LIFE. International Edition.October 13, 1958. The fantastic Galapagos. Darwin´s treasure of wildlife.

LIFE. International Edition.October 13, 1958. The fantastic Galapagos. Darwin´s treasure of wildlife.

EUR 13,00
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 LIFE. International Edition.  April 29, 1957. Titlepicture: Helmeted Mycenaean. Titlestory: Turmoil in the Arab World; The epic of man, part IX - reat age of warriors and merchants

LIFE. International Edition. April 29, 1957. Titlepicture: Helmeted Mycenaean. Titlestory: Turmoil in the Arab World; The epic of man, part IX - reat age of warriors and merchants

EUR 13,00
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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
