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LIFE. International Edition. June 15, 1964, Vol.36, No.11. Billion-Dollar Strike in the Canadian Bush- Biggest Rush since the Klondike / Great Universities: Munich / World War I - 1918 and the Yanks / Myths of the Kennedy Assassination.
New York, Time Inc, 1964.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschenk aus Jahr und Tag der Geburt

 LIFE. International Edition. June 15, 1964, Vol.36, No.11. Billion-Dollar Strike in the Canadian Bush- Biggest Rush since the Klondike / Great Universities: Munich / World War I - 1918 and the Yanks / Myths of the Kennedy Assassination.
88 pages and a lot of illustrations. Colourillustr. OBrosch. Gr.4to (35x27cm).

In a good condition. On the Cover: Prize-winning photographs from around the world: Eila Marjala, Helsinki, Finland; Mogens Aagreen, Lyngby, Denmark; Francis Uher, Koduna, Nigeria; Patricio Perelman, Santiago, Chile. Further Stories: Return of a native to Amsterdam: Hans Koningsberger, now a New Yorker, examines the mood of the city where he was born // The Death of Nehru: India mourns its hero // The Perennial Lillie: Trance and Music: The irrepressible Bea soars in High Spirits, a new Broadway hit etc.

[SW: America, Present for year an day of birth.]
America, Present, year, birth.
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DIE SEE. September 1920. Nr. 9. Monatsschrift für die deutschen Seeinteressen - Herausgegeben v. Deutschen See-Verein e. V. (Flotten-Verein).

EUR 13,00
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 Kladderadatsch. 19.05.1912. 65. Jahrgang. Nr. 20. Humoristisch-satirisches Wochenblatt.

Kladderadatsch. 19.05.1912. 65. Jahrgang. Nr. 20. Humoristisch-satirisches Wochenblatt.

EUR 13,00
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 LIFE. International Edition. January 9, 1956. Titlepicture: Neanderthal bear cult. Titlestory: Part II - The Epic of Man - The dawn of religion; U.S. Labor, rich and united.

LIFE. International Edition. January 9, 1956. Titlepicture: Neanderthal bear cult. Titlestory: Part II - The Epic of Man - The dawn of religion; U.S. Labor, rich and united.

EUR 13,00
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Der Spiegel. 03.06.1968, 22. Jahrgang. Nr. 23. Das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin. Titelgeschichte: De Gaulle am Ende; Contergan vor Gericht.

EUR 13,00
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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
