WATSON, HENRY C.: Campfires of the Revolution Or, The War of Independence. Illustrated by Thrilling Events and Stories by the Continental Soldiers. With original Illustrations by Chroome. Probably First /1./ Printing.
EUR 130,00 Details zum Buch... | HISTORICAL REPRINTS - PHILIPPS, PAUL C. (Ed.): Sources of Northwest History No.1-8, 10, 13-25, 26. No.1: BARROWS, JOHN R.: A Wisconsin Youth in Montana 1880-1882.// No. 2: BOOTH, MARGARET (Ed.): Overland from Indiana to Oregon. The Dinwiddie Journal.// No. 3: Blackfoot Indian Peace Council.// No. 4.: HOWE, MAURICE (Ed.): The Great West: Interviews.// No. 5: KOCH, ELERS (Ed.): Journal of Peter Koch: 1869-1870.// No. 6: WHITE, M. CATHERINE (Ed.): An Overland Journey to California in 1852. The Journal of Richard Owen Hickman.// No. 7: KIRKPATRICK, JAMES: A reminiscence of John Bozeman. Edited by Paul C. Phillips.// No. 8: PHILLIPS, PAUL C. (Ed.): "The Battle of the Big Hole". An Episode in the Nez Perce War.// No. 10: MIRRIELEES, LUCIA B. (Ed.): Pioneer Ranching in Central Montana. From the Letters of Otto Maerdian, Written in 1882-1883.// No.13: The Oregon Missions as shown in the Walker Letters, 1839-1851. Edited by Paul C. Philiips and W.S. Lewis.// No.14: CLOUGH, WILSON O. (Ed.): Fort Russell and Fort Laramie Peace Commission in 1867.// No.15: COLEMAN, RUFUS A. (Ed.): The Diary of Mary Richardson Walker, June 10 - December 21,1838.// No.16: Montana as it is. Written in 1865 by Granville Stuart. Edited by Paul C. Phillips.// No.17: A trip to the States in 1865. Written and Printed by J. Allen Hosmer at Virginia City, Montana, in 1867. Edited by Edith M. Duncan.// No.18: CLARK, PAL (Ed.): Journal from Fort Dalles O.T. to Fort Wallah Wallah W.T. July 1858. Lieut. John Mullan U.S. Army.// No.19: PHILLIPS, PAUL C. (Ed.): Upham Letters from The Upper Missouri, 1865.// No.20: The Journal of Francois Antoine Larocque. From the Assiniboine River to the Yellowstone - 1805. Translated and Edited by Ruth Hazlitt.// No.21: HOLMES, OLIVER W. (Ed.): James A. Garfield's diary of a trip to Montana in 1872.// No.22: HOUSMAN, ROBERT L.: The beginings of journalism in Frontier Montana.// No. 23: Early days at Fort Missoula. Edited by Captain A.E. Rothermich, Infantry.// No.24: Bannack and Gallatin City in 1862-1863. A Letter by Mrs. Emily R. Meredith. Edited by Clyde McLemore.// No.26: HEALY, JOHN T.: An adventure in the Idaho Mines. Edited by Clyde McLemore. Reprinted from the Historical Section of THE FRONTIER, a Magazine of the Northwest, published at the State University of Montana, Missoula.
EUR 280,00 Details zum Buch... | GEORGE, PIERRE: La ville. Le fait urbain a travers le monde. Première /1./ édition.
EUR 13,00 Details zum Buch... | RAND, PHILIP R. (Ed.): Real West. A Charlton Publication. Vol. 4, No. 15, January, 1961. The terrible Renos; Bullfight at Gillet; Geronimo of the Apache.
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