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Marvels of the new west. A vivid portrayal of the stupendous marvels in the vast wonderland west of the Missouri river. Six books in one volume. Comprising marvels of nature, marvels of raxe, of enterprise, of mining, of stock-raising and marvels of agriculture. First /1./ edition.
Norwich, conn, Henry Bill, 1890.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Amerika

XXXVI, 715 pp. Illustr. with over three hundred and fifty fine engravings and maps. Or.-block, or.-leather-back. 8vo (24x17 cm).

Without the covers. Block is in a good condition. With some small buckles and cracks.

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Der Wirtschaftsgeist des Amerikaners im Spiegel von Sinclair Lewis´ Romanen. (Erste Ausgabe).

EUR 13,00
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 Real West annual. Americana library, Number 8, Summer. A Charlton Publication. Editor's selection: Best stories from 10 years of Real West. Pioneers lawmen outlaws: Plus a special section from Saga of the American Indian.

Real West annual. Americana library, Number 8, Summer. A Charlton Publication. Editor's selection: Best stories from 10 years of Real West. Pioneers lawmen outlaws: Plus a special section from Saga of the American Indian.

EUR 13,00
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Oregon Ghost Towns. Drawings by David Mason. First /1./ Edition.

EUR 13,00
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Life in a Narrow Place. Photographs by Terry and Lyntha Eiler. First Ed.

EUR 22,00
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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
