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KAEMPFER, ENGELBERTUS: gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geographie - Asien/Kl.Asien/Naher Osten LII, 392 pages, 4 uncounted pages with "An explanation of the plates belonging to the first Volume of this History of Japan", with illustrations and folded maps / Page 393-612, 75 pages of "The appendix to the history of Japan", 11 pages with "The second appendix to Dr. Engelbert Kaempfer's History of Japan: Being part of an authentick Journal of a Voyage to Japan, made by the English in the year 1673", 4 pages with "An explanation of the plates belonging to the second Volume of this History of Japan", 6 pages with the index, this part also with plates. With coloured top-edge. Or.-halfleatherbinding, with marbled paper, gr. 4to, in a cloth-slipcase.
Books in a very good condition. Three hundred copies have been printed of which 290 copies are for sale. This copy number is 66. [SW: Engelbert Kaempfer.] Engelbert, Kaempfer.
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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