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Six engravings in illustration of Guy Mannering for the members of the Royal Associations for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland.
N. p., 1866.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunst, Kultur

 Six engravings in illustration of Guy Mannering for the members of the Royal Associations for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland.
6 Stahlstiche mit begleitendem Text. 43,5x30,5 cm. Editor's tooled cloth. hardcover

Slightly rubbed and knocked; traces of moisture at rear paste-down; block loose; thoroughly waterstained in upper corner. Sonst guter Zustand.

[SW: Henning; Malerei; Kunst; Bildband]
Henning;, Malerei;, Kunst;, Bildband
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JUGENDSTIL. Die Utopie der Versöhnung

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Kraus, H. P.:
Catalogue 165: Cimelia. A catalogue of important illuminated and textual manuscripts published in commemoration of the sale of the Ludwig Collection. 1st edition. 1Exemplar von 600.

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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
