WHITMAN, WALT: Walt Whitman's Poems. Edited by Gay Wilson Allen and Charles T. Davis. First/1./ edition. New York, New York University Press, 1955.
gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englisch
280 pp. Full-cloth with Or.-dustjacket. Gr.8vo.
Fine condition. Dustjacket slightly worn. Sometimes fine pencil-notes in the margin.
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FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN and MAX FARRAND (Edit.): Benjamin Franklin's Memoirs. Parallel Text Edition. Comprising the texts of Franklin's original manuscript, the French translation by Louis Guillaume le Veillard, the French translation published by Buisson, and the version edited by William Temple Franklin, his grandson. Edited, with an introduction and explanatory notes, by Max Farrand, late Director of Research at the Huntington Library. First /1./ printing of this edition.
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