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New Lines. An Anthology. Reprinted.
London, Macmillan, 1962.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englisch

CONQUEST, ROBERT (Edit.): New Lines. An Anthology. Reprinted.
xviii, 91 pp. Or.-full-cloth with or.-dustwrapper. 8vo.

Fine condition. With poems by Elizabeth Jennings, John Halloway, Philip Larkin, Thom Gunn, Kingsley Amis, D.J.Enrigt, Donald Davie, Robert Conquest, john Wain.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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 Longman dictionary of contemporary English. Dritte /3./Auflage.

Longman dictionary of contemporary English. Dritte /3./Auflage.

EUR 13,00
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CURTIS, FRANCIS JOHN: An investigation of the rimes and phonology of the Middle-Scotch Romance Clariodus, a contribution to the history of the english language in Scotland. Dissertation presented to the philosophical faculty of the University of Heidelberg for the Acquisition of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. First /1./ edition.
An investigation of the rimes and phonology of the Middle-Scotch Romance Clariodus, a contribution to the history of the english language in Scotland. Dissertation presented to the philosophical faculty of the University of Heidelberg for the Acquisition of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. First /1./ edition.

EUR 150,00
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Four lectures (Original and in Translation). Given at German Universities in February 1936.

EUR 13,00
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DICKENS, CHARLES: The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. With a Frontispiece, from a painting by T. Webster. Reprint of the edition from 1848.
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. With a Frontispiece, from a painting by T. Webster. Reprint of the edition from 1848.

EUR 28,00
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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
