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Heuraths Licens. Vom Vom Obrigkeitlichen Amte ... Thomas Schwarz (...) mit der Anna Utrszil
21. Hornung [Februar] 1829.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Manuskripte

 Heuraths Licens. Vom Vom Obrigkeitlichen Amte ... Thomas Schwarz (...) mit der Anna Utrszil
35, 5 x 21, 5 cm. Siegelstempel d. Hochfürstl. v. Lamberg.

[SW: Manuskripte, Juridica u. Staatswissenschaften]
Manuskripte, Juridica, Staatswissenschaften
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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 Freundschaftsbuch. Poesiealbum.

Freundschaftsbuch. Poesiealbum.

EUR 40,00
Details zum Buch...
 This Indenture made in the Eighth Day of December in the Thirties Year of the Reign of our Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith (...) and in the Year of our Lord 1756 […] Between Francis Jones of Cratfield in the County of Suffolk Clerk and Francis Jacob of Laxfield in the said Conty of Suffolk Spinster

This Indenture made in the Eighth Day of December in the Thirties Year of the Reign of our Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith (...) and in the Year of our Lord 1756 […] Between Francis Jones of Cratfield in the County of Suffolk Clerk and Francis Jacob of Laxfield in the said Conty of Suffolk Spinster

EUR 1.500,00
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 Zeugnis für Lorenz Lubitz.

Zeugnis für Lorenz Lubitz.

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Lieve Mietje!

EUR 50,00
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Antiquariat Burgverlag, AT-1010 Wien
