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The Amazon Provinces of Peru as a Field for European Emigration. A Statistical and Geographical Review of the Country and its Resources.
Selbsrvlg. 1894.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Reise

GUILLAUME, H. The Amazon Provinces of Peru as a Field for European Emigration. A Statistical and Geographical Review of the Country and its Resources.
Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm. XV, (3), 309 S., 1 Bl. Mit 31 (v. 32) tlw. gefalt. Taf. (Abb.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeAbb. = Abbildung(en) u. Karten, 1 mont. Photogr.) OLn.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOLn. = Original-Leineneinband Mit Goldpräg. Einbd. fleckig, Frontisp. ("ThePresident") u. Titelbl. fehlen.

[SW: Reise, Wirtschafts- u. Sozialwissenschaft, Amerika]
Reise, Wirtschafts-, Sozialwissenschaft, Amerika
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MISSON, Maximilian. A New Voyage to Italy, With a Description of the Chief Towns, Churches, Tombs, Libraries, Palaces, Statues, and Antiquities of that Country. Together with Useful Instructions for those who shall Travel thither. Done into English, and adorn`d with Figures.
MISSON, Maximilian.
A New Voyage to Italy, With a Description of the Chief Towns, Churches, Tombs, Libraries, Palaces, Statues, and Antiquities of that Country. Together with Useful Instructions for those who shall Travel thither. Done into English, and adorn`d with Figures.

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