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EGYPT - LEKEGIAN, G(abriel).
Ägypterin. Femme de Cheik Beled. No. 100.
[Kairo], G. Lekegian Photogr. Artistique [ca. 1893/94].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Graphik

EGYPT - LEKEGIAN, G(abriel). Ägypterin. Femme de Cheik Beled. No. 100.
Orig.-Photographie (Albumen) auf Karton. 41 x 33 cm. (Blattgr.); 27, 5 x 21, 5 cm. (Bildgr.).

Gabriel Lekegian, ein Armenier, war einer der berühmten Photographen Kairos an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert. The studio name ‘Photogr. Artistique G. Lekegian & Co’ appears on some of the most famous images taken at the end of the 19th century in Egypt. For nearly three decades, until the 1910s, the Lekegian studio held an exceptionally prominent position in Cairo producing thousands of images depicting the everyday life, nature and architecture of Egypt.

[SW: Graphik, Photographie, Ägypten]
Graphik, Photographie, Ägypten
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