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A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World; Many of Which Are Now First Translated Into English. Digested on a New Plan.
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1811.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Reise

PINKERTON, John. A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World; Many of Which Are Now First Translated Into English. Digested on a New Plan.
Volume the Eighth. [Middle East]. Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm. 2 Bll., 776 S. Mit 17 gest. Taf. (davon 1 Frontisp.). Ldr. Mit goldgepr. Rückentit. u. reicher Goldpräg. auf beiden Deckeln. Tlw. stockfleckig. EA.

Brunet IV, 667; Graesse V, 300 - John Pinkerton (1758-1826), schottischer Antiquar, Kartograph, Autor, Numismatiker und Historiker. Dieser Band Nr. 10 ist Indien gewidmet. Hindostan Sir Thomas Roe, Bernier`s Voyage to the East Indies, Extract from Tavernier`s Voyages, Alexander Hamilton: A New Account of the East Indies, Henry Lord: A Discovery of two Foreign Sects in the East Indies, Francis Buchanan: A Journey from Madras trough the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. Taf.: 1: Tombs of Gazipoor, 2. Tomb at Djionpoor, 3. Chouragautchy near Berhampore, 4. Fort Gwalior, 5. N. E. View of the Cotsea Bhaug on the River Jumna. Delhi. 6. A Woman of Distinction, A Chittery, A Dybuck. 7. Jungeira Pagoda at Sultan Gunge. 8. A Woman of the Lower Orde, A Bombay Sepoy, A Grass Cutter. 9. Ramnugur near Benares on the River Ganges.10. Entrance to Chunarghur. 11. Mausoleum of Kausim Solemaneeat Chunar Gur.12. The Cuttera at Muxadavad. 13. Mootyjernah or the Shower of Pearls near Rajhmahal. Hindustan. 14. Government House at Malacca. 15. Draw Bridge at Malacca. 16. The Great Pagoda at Tanjore. 17. The Chalee Saloon at Allahabad.

[SW: Reise, Asien, Indien]
Reise, Asien, Indien
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TISSOT, Victor. Die Reise in`s Zigeuner-Land. [Bearb.] Von Friedr. Wilh. Dietz.
TISSOT, Victor.
Die Reise in`s Zigeuner-Land. [Bearb.] Von Friedr. Wilh. Dietz.

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BAEDEKER, Karl (Hrsg.).
Berlin und Umgebungen. Handbuch für Reisende.

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