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Downes, David:
Contrasts in Tolerance: Post-War Penal Policy in the Netherlands and England and Wales (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies).
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988.
ISBN/EAN: 9780198256083

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Politik

226 S., with tables, 22 cm, Hardcover

Guter Zustand / good condition. Bibl.-Ex. / Ex.-libr. Cover slightly faded at the edges. Stamped edges.

[SW: Politics History]
Politics, History
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Gartner, Johannes Lukas:
Shifting paradigms. Humanity in action senior fellows on policy and pluralism across borders.

EUR 9,60
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Potter, William and Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova:
Nuclear Politics ans the Non-Aligned Movement: Principles vs Pragmatism.

EUR 6,60
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Collester, J. Bryan:
The European Communities: A Guide to Information Sources. (=Intern. Relations Information Guide Series; Vol. 9).

EUR 14,00
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Meurs, Wim P. Van:
The Bessarabian Question in Communist Historiography: Nationalist and Communist Politics and History-Writing (=East European Monographs).

EUR 8,80
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