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Berry, David Robert
Gate in the Fence of Time: A Journey to the Birth of America
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform 2015
ISBN/EAN: 9781480232884

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englischsprachige Bücher Sachbücher (engl.)

tadellos / impeccable

gebraucht, wie neu 312 23,19 x 15,19 x 1,80

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,10
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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McGrath, Bruno  Genetically Modified Foods vs. Sustainability
McGrath, Bruno
Genetically Modified Foods vs. Sustainability

EUR 2,00
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Alger, Philip Rounseville / Ingalls, James
The Groundwork of Practical Naval Gunnery; A Study of the Principles and Practice of Exterior Ballistics, as Applied to Naval Gunnery, and of the Computation and Use of Ballistic and Range Tables

EUR 9,55
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Vaccaro, Alexander R., Papadopoulos, Stephen, M.d., Traynelis, Vincent C., Haid, Regis, Jr., M.d., Sasso, Rick, M.d.
Spinal Arthroplasty: The Preservation of Motion

EUR 24,40
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Sanford, Kathy, Strong-Wilson, Teresa  The Emperor’s New Clothes? Issues and Alternatives in Uses of the Portfolio in Teacher Education Programs
Sanford, Kathy, Strong-Wilson, Teresa
The Emperor’s New Clothes? Issues and Alternatives in Uses of the Portfolio in Teacher Education Programs

EUR 10,18
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EUR 9,75
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,10
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Leserstrahl, DE-25557 Oldenbüttel
