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Sainsbury, George (Ed.) and Henry Fielding:
The Works of Henry Fielding in twelf Volumes. Vol. 1-12. [12 Vols.]. Vol. 1+2: The Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend Mr. Abraham Adam. Vol. 3-6: The History of Tom Jones I-IV. Vol. 7-9: Amelia I-III. Vol. 10: The History of the Life of the late Mr. Johanthan Wild. Vol. 11: Miscellanies I: A Journey from this World to the next and voyage to Lisbon. Vol. 12: The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great and some Miscellaneous Writings.
London, Dent & Co., 1893.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literaturwissenschaft-Anglistik

220, 168, 266, 272, 283, 286, 225, 225, 235, 227, 278, 242 S., with Illustrations. cloth

Satisfying condition. With Ex Libris. Cover faded. Vol. 1, 2 + 5 Spine damaged. Vol. 3+4 Library binding. Some pages with pencil underling. Uncut edges.

[SW: Englische Literatur, Literaturgeschichte]
Englische, Literatur, Literaturgeschichte
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Bury, Laurent und Dominique Sipière:
Pride and Prejudice, Le roman de Jane Austen et le film de Joe Wright (CAPES/AGREGATION Anglais).

EUR 9,40
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Ditze, Stephan-Alexander:
America and the Americans in postwar British fiction : an imagological study of selected novels. (=American studies ; Vol. 138).

EUR 7,50
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Deshazer, Mary K.:
Fractured Borders. Reading Women`s Cancer Literature.

EUR 34,10
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Cornwall, Barry a. o.:
The complete Works of Shakespeare: Vol. I: Comedies. Revised from the Orig.-Ed. with a Memoir, and Essay on his Genius by Barry Cornwall. Historical and Critical Studies of Shakespeares Textory Remarks on the Plays, by Richard Grant White, H. Horne. Illustrated with Engravings on Wood and Steel, from Designs by kenny Meadows.

EUR 38,10
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Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG, DE-10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
