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Strutt, Joseph
Glig-Gamena Angel-Deod, or the Sports and Pastimes of the People of England :
the earliest Period to the Present Time, Joseph Strutt, London, T. Bensley a.o. 1810,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Sport

Leder geb. gr.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm mit Goldpräg. xlix (vii) 357 p. S. frontispiece engraved in sepia, and 39 engraved plates, also in sepia (complete) contemporary full polished calf with gilt ( marmorierte Vs.Bl. mit 2 Wappen- Ex libris Einband d. Zt., berieben, Ecken bestossen,sonst guter Zustand, innen frisch) Second edition, first published in 1801. With accounts of hunting and hawking, archery, stone throwing, all sorts of ball games including tennis and golf, jousts and tournaments, to miracle plays, minstrels, Morris dancing, animal bating, and even sedentary and solitary games. This is an important history of recreational activities and traditional celebrations in the British Isles. : Thomas Strutt ( 1749 - 1802 ) may justifiably be regarded as the first serious historian of dress in England, and his pioneering works of scholarship were heavily drawn upon by nineteenth-century costume historians. Unlike many of his contemporaries, who doubted the reliability of artistic sources as historical evidence, he employed a comparative analysis of the manuscripts, showing that they were reliable indicators of changes not just in matters of dress but also of the manners and customs of the time. He was one of the first to realize the potential value of visual material as a historical source rather than as simply serving an illustrative purpose. He showed an early appreciation of the intrinsic merit of medieval art and was unusual in producing near-facsimile engraved reproductions of the originals. ( Die insgesamt 40 Sepia-getönten Kupferstich - Tafeln mit feinen Zeichnungen aus Manuskripten des Mittelalters in guten Zustand ) Kulturgeschichte Sportgeschichte,

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Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat Inh. R. Pfeiffer Lörracher Str. 3 D- 79541 Lörrach - Brombach Tel.: (0049) 07621 82099 www.jpha.de info@jpha.de ----------------------------------------------- Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat Inh. R. Pfeiffer
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SIFU LEUNG TIN / Kernspecht, Keith R.
Wing Tsun Kung Fu - Eine gründliche Einführung

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Bertz, Eduard
Philosophie des Fahrrads, von Eduard Bertz,

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Gichin Funakoshi
Karate-Do Kyohan . The Master Text by Gichin Funakoshi

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Möbius, Peter Paul
Kerle im Rennsattel - Vollblut, Kämpfer, Zwischenfälle

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Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat, DE-79541 Lörrach - Brombach
