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Dengler,Nancy G.+R.E.Dengler+P.M.Donnelly u.a.
Quantitative Leaf Anatomy of C3 and C4 Grasses(Pocaceae):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Genetik

Bundle Sheath and Mesophyll Surface Area Relationships (S. A. Ann. of Botany 73) 1994. S. 241 - 255. gr. 8ºAntikbuch24-Schnellhilfegroß Oktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 22,5-25 cm. m. zahlr. Abb.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeAbb. = Abbildung(en) geklammert -2) Sonderabdruck Offprint. Erhaltungszustand: 1)= tadellos / very good, 2)= gut / good, 3)= mit Gebrauchsspuren / acceptable, 4)= schlecht erhalten / poor condition, Bibl.= Bibliotheksexemplar / library copy. Info: (0511) 614070


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Oscillations of Cyclic nucleotide concentrations in relation to the

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Aberrant Recombination at the TD Locus of Neurospora

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Clayton,Roderick K.
Physical Mechanisms in Photosynthesis:Past Elucidations and Current

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Antimutator Activity during Mitosis by a Meiotic Mutant of Yeast

EUR 3,00
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