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Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 1909

ISBN/EAN: 4048906324642

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geologie

Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London, on the 19th of February 1909.Prefaced by the Announcement of the Award of the Wollaston Medal (the Proceeds of the Donation-Fund), the Murchison Medal an Geological Fund, the Lyell Medal and Geological Fund, the Bigsby Medal and the Prestwich Medal for the same Year. By Prof. W.J.Sollas, President of the Society. Printed by Taylor and Francis. London. 1909. 82 S.,br.-2). Erhaltungszustand: 1)= tadellos / very good, 2)= gut / good, 3)= mit Gebrauchsspuren / acceptable, 4)= schlecht erhalten / poor condition, Bibl.= Bibliotheksexemplar / library copy. Info: (0511) 614070


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