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Head, William, Grinter, Lawrence E., Ali, Omar
Looking Back on the Vietnam War: A 1990s Perspective on the Decisions, Combat, and Legacies (Contributions in Military Studies, Band 142). Reprint
Praeger 0
ISBN/EAN: 9780275945558

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englischsprachige Bücher Geschichte/Politik (engl.)

leichte Gebrauchsspuren / minor wear

gebraucht, sehr gut 288 23,00 x 15,60 x 2,40

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,10
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Boos, Carsten
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Killing Japan: The Final Year of World War II

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1915: The First World War in Photographs: Setbacks & Failures

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Davey, Richard Patrick Boyle
The sisters of Lady Jane Grey and their wicked grandfather; being the true stories of the strange lives of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, and of the ladies Katherine and Mary Grey, sisters of Lady Jane Grey, "the nine-days' queen"

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