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1982 Compilation of Elemental Concentration Data for NBS Biological, Geological, and Environmental Standard Reference Materials
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary, 1984.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Technik

221 Seiten , 28 cm, kartoniert das Buch ist ein Dachbodenfund, gebräunt, fleckig, Standard Reference Materials (SRM`s) as deflned by the National Bureau of Standards are "well-characterzed materials, produced in quantity, that call brate a measurement System to assure compatibility of measurement in the Nation." SRM`s are widely used as primary Standards ln many diverse fields of Science, industry and technology, both withln the United States and throughout the world. For many of the Natlon`s scientists and technologlsts it is of more than passinq Interest to know the measurements obtalned and methods used by the analytical cotnmunity when analyzing An NBS serles of papers, of which this publlcatlon is a member, called the NBS Special Pubblicatlon - 260 Serles is reserved for this purpose. ... (aus dem Vorwort) 1k4b 1982 Compilation of Elemental Concentration Data for NBS Biological, Geological, and Environmental Standard Reference Materials; 1982 Erstellung von Elementarkonzentrationsdaten für NBS Biologische, Geologische und Umweltspezifische Referenzmaterialien; Technik; Wissenschaft; 1

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