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Book of Abstracts international Conference Nuclear analytical Methods in the Life sciences - Prag, 13.-17. September 1993
Prag, J.M. Marci Spectroscopie Society and University of Agriculture, 1993.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

202 Seiten , 30 cm , kartoniert das Buch ist in einem gutem, gebrauchten Zustand, CONTENTS: J.J.N.de Goeij: Challenges methods in the life Sciences - R.M.Lindstrom, E.A.Mackey, R.L.Paul: Analytical applications of guided neutron beams in the life Sciences - N.M.Spyrou, M.B.Alamin: Simultaneous `cyclic and prompt neutron activation in large landfill and sewage sample analysis - M.Makarewicz, R.Zeisler: Enhanced sensitivity for the determination of selenium by INAA - P.Bach, S.ciuzeau, C.Lanbermont: Application of nuclear analytical techniques using Igng life sealed tube neutron generators - H.W.Thüaunel, C.Segebade, K.Hirsch: gamma activation techniques of biological and environmental samples using a very high power electron accelerator - R.E.Jervis: Nuclear analytical techniques in environmental studies - A.A.Kist: Use of nuclear analytical techniques in bioenvironmental studies - S.S.Krishnan, R.E.Jervis, L.D.Vela; Studies of incinerator ashes and its environmental effects using radioanalytical techniques - C.Caniglia, I.Calliari, L.Celin, A.M.Tollardo, A contribution to pollutants monitoring - V.M.Nazarov, M.V.Frontasyeva, V*P.Chinova, S.B.Borzakov: NAA biomonitoring of the environment with mosses and pine tree needles - T.Elninr, B.M.Noharram: Studles on human exposure to Tanta, Egypt using EDXRF - I.V.Shtangeeva: The behaviour of Chemical elements in plante and soils - D.Behne, H.Gessner, A.Kyriakopoulos: study selenoproteins - A.Chatt: Speciation of trace elements in macromolecules using nuclear and bioanalytical methods - E.Sabbioni: Recent developments in nuclear analytical techniques in metal toxicology studies - uuAiuuxuyy äuuaxes N.Haselberger, R.Zeisler: Detection and determination by nuclear techniques - Chlfang Chai, Jibin Tian, Qinfang Qian, Peiqiin Zhang, Qin Xu: study of low selenium environment in China by INAA and Mössbauer spectrometry - J.Kuöera,: Vanadium levels in urine and cystine levels in and hair of exposed and normal persons - V.Ye.Zaichik: gland: Standard and disease - C.Schnabel, U.Herpers, R.Michel, G.Buchhorn, H.G.Willert: Trace element analysis of tissues of humans and rats - S.O.Rogero, M.Saiki: Determination of trace elements in human lung samples - S.S.Krishnan, W.C.Sturtridge, N.F.Olivieri, A.F.Collins, .Qureshi, S.M.Lui: using neutron activation analysis and other techniques - T.E.Burkovskaya, M.V.Frontasyeva, S.F.GundorIna: Elemental biosatiellitie "Cositios“2044" - N.N.Spyrou: Tomographie techniques using radiation elemental analysis in biomedical research - V.P.Perelygin, Yu.T.Chuburkov, Z.Szeglowski, I.Zvara: Novel method quantities of Pu by combination of neutron-induced and photofission - 6.Ya.Starodubov, A.G.Belov, O.D.Maslov, S.N.Dmitriev : Neutron and gamma activation analysis of microelements with using of compact electron accelerator MT-25 - D.Schulze, H.Kupsch, C.Segebade: Determination of heavy metals in humic substances by instrumental photon activation analysis - O.Assatel, N.M.Spyrou: Photonuclear reaction yield in tissues used as an index of abnormality - E.A.Mackey: Effects of target temperature on analytical neutron capture prompt gamma-ray activation analysis - ect. ..... 1i3b Book of Abstracts international Conference Nuclear analytical Methods in the Life sciences - Prag, 13.-17. September 1993; Internationale Konferenz; Nuklearanalytische Methoden in den Lebenswissenschaften - Prag, 13.-17. September 1993; Physik; Naturwissenschaft; 1

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