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Interdisciplinary science reviews - Volume 3, Number 4, December 1978
London, Spectrum House, Hillview Gardens, 1978.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Chemie

85 Seiten , 30 cm , kartoniert das Buch ist ein Dachbodenfund, gebräunt, fleckig, aus dem Inhalt: Editorial: Albert Einstein as Seen by Artists - Comment: Albert Einstein: Three Successes, Three Failures: Unconventional Thoughts About an Unconventional Man - In Memory of Einstein: A lifelong personal friend and Nobel Laureate like Einstein, recalls memories from letters he received from him - Albert Einstein, Physicist (1879-1955): Einstein’s genius is evaluated in physics, cosmology and in his all-pervading influence on the world of today - The Administration of the Royal Society: The workings of Council, the election of Fellows, the distribution of grants and the Holding of soirees are fully described - CERN’s 400 GeV Super Proton Synchrotron: The many interdisciplinary aspects of the construction of this giant physical research Instrument are presented - InterdiscipUnary Chemistry: Modern chemistry is shown to be very interdisciplinary character - European Fisheries: An Object Lesson in Economic and Ecological Mismanagement: Salmon, eel, brown shrimp, sole and herring have been greedily overfished thus bringing the respective industries to bankruptcy or near it - Book Reviews 1k4b Interdisciplinary science reviews; Volume 3, Number 4, December 1978; Interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Reviews; Chemie; 1

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 15,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Egermann, H.;
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Brätter, Peter and Peter Schramel;
Trace Element Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings of the first International Workshop Neuherberg, Federal Republic of Germany, April 1980

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EUR 24,95
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 15,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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