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Prasad, Ananda S and Donald Oberleas;
Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease Volume 1 + 2 2 Bücher
New York,. San Francisco, London, ACADEMIC PRESS, 1976.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Chemie

470, 525 Seiten , 24 cm, Leinen das Buch ist in einem gutem, gebrauchten Zustand mit Eigentumsstempel, der Umschlag ist felckig und an den Kanten stärker bestoßen, VOLUME 1 Zinc and Copper: Deficiency of Zinc in Man and Its Toxicity - Zinc Deficiency in Infants and Preadolescent Children - Conditioned Zinc Deficiencies - Zinc Deficiency following Penicillamine Therapy - Potential Role of Zinc in Liver Disease - Homeostatic Mechanisms Affecting Plasma Zinc Levels in Acute Stress - Rote of Zinc in Wound Healing: A Critical Review - Metabolie Factors Affecting Zinc Metabolism in the Surgical Patient - Zinc Metabolism in Acute Myocardial Infarction - Factors Affecting Zinc Homeostasis - Binding of Zinc to Fiber and Other Soiids of Wholemeal Bread - Zinc Absorption and Transport - Biochemical Changes in Zinc Deficiency - Structure and Function of Zinc Metalloenzymes - Zinc in Collagen Metabolism - Zinc and Cells - Zinc and Sickle Ceil Anemia - Zinc as Related to Cystine Metabolism - Psychobiological Changes in Zinc Deficiency - Effects of Intrauterine Zinc Deficiency on Subsequent Behavior - Intake, Excretion, and Retention of Zinc in Man - Copper Deficiency in Human Subjects - Pole of Copper in Iron Metabolism and Herne Biosynthesis - Biochemistry and Physiology of Copper in Vertebrates - Copper Toxicity and Wilson`s Disease. VOLUME 2 Essential and Toxic Elements: Magnesium Deficiency and Magnesium Toxicity in Man - Magnesium Deficiency and Calcium and Parathyroid Hormone Interrelations - Biochemistry and Physiology of Magnesium - Chromium Metabolism in Man and Biochemical Effects - Selenium in Man - Selected Aspects of the Comparative Metaboiism and Biochemistry of Selenium and Sulfur - Selenium and Giutathione Peroxidase in Health and Disease-A Review - Metabolism and Function of Manganese - Fluoride Metabolism-Effect of Preeruptive or Posteruptive Fluoride Administration on Rat Caries Susceptibility - Methodology of Trace Element Research - Mineral Interrelationships - Perinatal Effects of Trace Element Deficiencies - Effects of Oral Contraceptive Agents on Trace Element Metabolism-A Review - Human Intake of Trace Elements - Basis of Recommended Dietary Allowances for Trace Elements - Newer Trace Elements and Possible Application in Man - Cadmium Metabolism-A Review of Aspects Pertinent to Evaluating Dietary Cadmium Intake by Man - Review of Hypertension Induced in Animais by Chronic Ingestion of Cadmium - The Chronic Toxicity of Cadmium - Metabolism and Toxicity of Lead - Quantitative Measures of the Toxicity of Mercury in Man 3c4a Spurenelemente im menschlichen Gesundheit und Krankheit Volumen 1 + 2; Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease Volume 1 + 2; Ananda S. Prasad; Donald Oberleas; Chemie; Biologie; 1

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 15,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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EUR 149,95
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 15,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 45628

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