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Genga, Bernardino:
Anatomy improv´d and illustrated.
Edinburgh (Scotland): Bartholomew & Son, o.J..

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Medizin

Genga, Bernardino:  Anatomy improv´d and illustrated.
The plates for the printing were made from a copy of the 1723 London edition belonging to the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, Scotland. Anatomy improv`d and illustrated with regard to the uses thereof in designing: not only laid down from an examen of the bones and muscles of the human body, but also demonstrated and exemplified from the most celebrated antique statues in Rome. Exhibited in a great number of copper plates, with all the figures in various views. Intended originally for y use of the Royal French Academy of Painting and Sculpture. And carried on under the care and inspection of Charles Errard Director of the same in Rome. The dissections made by Doc. Bero. Genga. The explanations and indexes added by John Maria Lancissi. A work of great use to painters, sculptors, statuaries and all others studious in the noble art of designing - Schuber tlws. lichtverfärbt u. a.d. Ecken leicht bestoßen, Buch selbst einwandfrei. Sehr gutes Expl. 30 x 43 cm, HLdr. mit goldgepr. Rückenschildern im Pappschuber 42 Tafeln, 58 S. Editions Medicina Rara. Nr. 1553 von 2500 Expl.

Anatomy improv`d and illustrated with regard to the uses thereof in designing: not only laid down from an examen of the bones and muscles of the human body, but also demonstrated and exemplified from the most celebrated antique statues in Rome. Exhibited in a great number of copper plates, with all the figures in various views. Intended originally for y use of the Royal French Academy of Painting and Sculpture. And carried on under the care and inspection of Charles Errard Director of the same in Rome. The dissections made by Doc. Bero. Genga. The explanations and indexes added by John Maria Lancissi. A work of great use to painters, sculptors, statuaries and all others studious in the noble art of designing - Schuber tlws. lichtverfärbt u. a.d. Ecken leicht bestoßen, Buch selbst einwandfrei. Sehr gutes Expl.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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EUR 55,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,00
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Antiquariat Bläschke, DE-64283 Darmstadt
