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Fishery Board for Scotland Fifth Report (Northern Area) Fishery and Hydrographical Investigations in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters 1908 - 1911

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Fischerei und Fische

London 1913, 404 p., and uncountable plates, folded maps, graphics etc. about surface salinity, Turbot, Brill, Halibut, Witches, Megrims, Lemons, Plaices, Marking of Plaice and other Fish by the S.S. Goldseeker in the years 1904 - 1909, The egg Production of certain Fishes, Original broschure binded in artificial Linen, very good condition, size 22 x 33 cm

[SW: Fischerei und Fische,England]
Fischerei, Fische, England
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 5 - 14 Werktage
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Hanström Bertil  Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Zentralnervensystems der Opisthobranchier
Hanström Bertil
Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Zentralnervensystems der Opisthobranchier

EUR 4,36
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William Swainson  The Natural History and Classsifacation of Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptils  or Monocardian Animals  Vol. 1
William Swainson
The Natural History and Classsifacation of Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptils or Monocardian Animals Vol. 1

EUR 90,75
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Graham Michael  Studies of Age Determination in Fish  Part 1. Study of the growth Rate of Codling on the inner Herring Trawling Ground.
Graham Michael
Studies of Age Determination in Fish Part 1. Study of the growth Rate of Codling on the inner Herring Trawling Ground.

EUR 5,81
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.  Annual Report of the Fisheries Research board of canada 1939
Annual Report of the Fisheries Research board of canada 1939

EUR 5,81
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EUR 72,60
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 5 - 14 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 30186

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Windau Antiquariat, DE-3620 Piltene
