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ABRAHAMS, V. C., Keane, J.,
Contralateral, midline, and commissural motoneurons of the neck muscles. A retrograde HRP study in the cat.,
1984 J. Comp. Neurol, 223, 448-456 (1984).,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

. Obr., [WES130].

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NUMATA, M., Ohkuma, S., Iseki, S.
, Expression and localization of mRNA for the 16 KD subunit of V-ATPase in the rat embryo

EUR 4,00
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Im Rückspiegel.,

EUR 4,00
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KELLY, D. E-. Smith, S. W., Fine structure of the pineal organs of the adult frog, Rana pipiens., J. Cell Biol. 22, 653--67300 (196300)., Obr., [WES57]..,]..,// KELLY, D. E., Van de Kamer, J. C., Cytological and histochemical investigations on the pineal organ of the adult frog (Rana esculenta)., Z. Zellforsch., 52, 618-639 (1960)., Obr., [WES57]..,., // KELLY, D. E., An ultrastruzctural analysis of the paraphysis cerebri in newts. Z. Zellforsch. 6300, 778-803 (196300)., Obr., [WES57].., //

EUR 6,00
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Timpel, Wolfgang & Peter Sieber
Burgen – Gräber – alte Kreuze., Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Bodendenkmale in Thüringen.,

EUR 9,00
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