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Desventres, Francois Collection Academique composee des memoires, actes , ou journaux. Concernant L histoire naturelle et la Botanique, La physique experimentale er la Chymie, la medecine et l anatomie. II. Contentant Les Transactions Philosophiques des La Societe Royale des Londres, depuis L‘annee 1665 , jusq en 1678.
EUR 192,00 Details zum Buch... | HAJDU, F. HAJDU, F., Hassler, R., Somogyi, G., Neuronal and synaptic organization of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the tree shrew, Tuapia glis. Cell Tiss,. Res. 224, 207-223 (1982)., Obr., [WES42]..,// HAJDU, F., Somogyi, G., Tömböl, T-. neuronal and synaptic arrangement in the lateralis posterior-pulvinar comlex of the thalamus in the cat. Brain Res. 73, 89-104 (1974)., Obr,.., [SD1].., // Neuronal and synaptic arrangements of the lateral hgeniculate nuceus in night-active primates. Anat. E,mbryol. 168, 341-348 (1983)., Obr-. [SD3].., // HAJDU, F., Hassler, R., Wagner, A-., THe dfistribution of crossed and uncrossed optic fiberss in the different layers of the lateral geniculate nucöeus in the Tree shreqw (tupaia glis). Anat. Embryol. 164, 1-8 (1982)., Obr., [SD3]..-,
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EUR 6,00 Details zum Buch... | Schneider, Georg Urania. Monatsschrift über Natur und Gesellschaft., Jahrgang 11, Heft 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 1948.,
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