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BARNI, S., De Piceis Polver, P. , Ferzelio,. G., Nano, R.,
Propidium iodide as a probe for the study of chromatin thermal denaturation in situ.
1981 Histochemical J. 13, 781-791 (1981).,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr., [WES83].//

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Koertvelyessy, T., N. H. Crawford, M. Pap, K. Szilagy.
The influence of religious affiliation on surname repetition in marriages in Tiszaszalka, Hungary.,

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BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in the primate retina. J. Neurocytol. 22, 765-778 (1993)., Obr, [WES53]..,// ., // WÄSSLE, H.-, L. Peichl, B. B. Boycott, Morphology and topography of on- and off-alpha cells in the rat retina. Proc. R. Soc. London B 212,157-175 (1981) // WÄSSLE, H., Peichl., L., Boycott, B. B., Quantification of horizontal cells in the domestic cat retina. In Development and chemical specifity of neurons. prog. Brain Res. 51, 373-388 (1979)., Obr., [SD71].

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Siebert, Wolfgang
Aktuelle adjuvante Therapie des Mammakarzinoms.,

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Tautphoeus, Franz Freiherr von (Franz Taut)

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