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Boyd, William
Comme neige au soleil.
1985 Balland, Paris 1985,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

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Field, Hermann & Stanislaw Mierzenski
Bittere Ernte.,

EUR 4,00
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Kummerow, Fred A., Gheorghe Benga & Ross H. Holmes
Biomembranes and cell function.,

EUR 8,00
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Chittenden, R.H., L.B. Bendel & H. E. McDermott
Papain-proteolysis with some observations on the physiological action of the products formed.,

EUR 4,00
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FISHER, R. S., Shiota, C., Levine, . S., Hull, C. D., Buchwald, N. A. Interhemispheric organization of corticocaudate projections in the cat. A retrograde double-labeling study. Neurosci. Letters 548, 369-373 (1984), Obr., [SD17]. / FISHER, R. S., Shiota, C., Levine, M. S., Hull, C. D., Buchwald, N. A. Subcortical crossed axonal projections to the caudate nucleus in the cat. A double labeling study. Neurosci. Letters 51, 25-30 (1984) , Obr., [SD17]. // FISHER, R. S., Boylan, M. K., Hull, C. D., Buchwald, N. A., Levine, M. S., Branched projections of cat sensorimotor cortex . Multiple retrograde labeling visa commissural corticocortical, decussated corticostriatal and un decussated corticostriatal axons. Brain Res. 38300, 395-400 (1986)., Obr., Unterstr. [SD50]. //

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EUR 4,00
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