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Brehm, Bruno
Der Luegner.
1934 Palladium, , Heidelberg o. J.,

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GEISERT, E. E., Cortical projections of the lateral geniculate nucleus in the cat. J. Comp. Neurol. 190, 793-812 (1980)., Obr., [SD68]..,, // ZETLAN, S. R., Sopear, P. D., Geisert, E. E., The role of cortico-geniculate projections in the loss of y-cells in monocularly deprived cats. Vision Res. 21, 1035-1039 (1981)., Obr-.. [SD17]..,// GEISERT, E., E., The projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus to area 18, J. Comp. Neurol. 238, 101-106 (1985)., Obr., [SDG68]..,

EUR 6,00
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PRICE, D. J-..
PRICE, D. J., Aslam, AS., Tasker, L., Gillies, K., Fates of the earliest generated cells in the developing murine neocortex. J. Comp. Neurol. 377, 414-422 (1997). Obr-., [WES96].-,// PRICE, D. J., Ferrer, J. M. R., Estimates of the vonvergence of association projections from area 17 to rostral area 18 in the cat depend on injection site size. Neurosci., Letters 203, 93-96 (1996)., Obr., [WES96]..,// PRICE, D. J., Projections from visual cortical area 19, the posterior medial lateral suprasylvian area and the lateral posterior-pulvinar complex of the thalamus to areas 17 and 18 in young kittens. Neurosci. Letters 60, 363-368 (1985)., Obr., [SD109].,.,// CARIC, D., Price, D, J., The organization of visual corticocortical connections in early postnatal kottens., Neuroscience 73, 817-829 (1996)., Obr., Unterstr. [WES131

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Zander, Asaal, E. & J. Hadjiantoniou
Les troubles mentaux au cours des tumeurs de la fosse posterieure.,

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