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MARQUES, M. A., Tolar, M., Harmony, J. A. K., Crutcher, K. A., A thrombin cleavage fragment of apolipoprotein E exhibits isoform-specific neurotoxicity., Neuroreport 7, 2529-2532 (1996)., Obr., [WES109]..,// MARQUEZ, M. A,Tolar, M., Crutcher, K. A., Apolipoprotein E exhibits isoform-specific neurotoxicity., Alzheimer s Res. 3, 1-6 (1997)., Obr., WES109]..,// YU, C., Crutcher, K. A., Nerve growth factor immunoreactivity and sympathetic sprouting in the rat hippocampal formation,. Brain Res. 672, 55-67 (1995)., Obr., [WES85]..,// CHANDLER, J. P., Crutcher, K. A., The septohippocampal projection in the rat. an electron microscopic HRP study. Neuroscience 10, 685-696 (1983)., Obr., [SD78].., //
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Zimmermann, Kurt
Die grosse Unbekannte.

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GERSHON, M. D., Payette, R. F., Rothman, T. P., Development of the enteric nervous system. Federation Proc. 42, 1620-1625 (1983)., Obr-., [SDG68].., // NEWGREEN, D. F., Jahnke, I., Allan, I. J., Gibbins, L., Differentiation of sympathetic and enteric neurons of the Fowl embryo in grafts to the chorio-allantoic membrane. Cell Tiss Res. 208, 1-19 (1980)., Obr., [SD62]. //

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Kishon, Ephraim
Kishons beste Autofahrergeschichten.,

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Christie, Agatha
Der Tod auf dem Nil.,

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