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Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich Die vierzehn Nothelfer.,
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Brodal, Alf The amygdaloid nucleus in the rat., J. Comp. Neurol 87, 1-16 (1947)., // The hippocamus and the sense of semll., A Review., Brain 70, 179-222 (1947), // The origin of the fibers of the anterior commissure in the rat. J. CompNeurol. 88, 157-204 (1948)., // Some fatures in the anatomical organization of the vestibular nuclear complex in the cat. Progr. Brain Res. 37, 31-53 (1972), // Anatomical organizationand fiber connections of the vestibular nuclei., In Neurological aspects of auditory and vestibular disorders., , Thomas, Springfield 1964, pp. 107-149.,
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