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Eckardt, Götz
Peter Paul Rubens.,
1977 Henschel, Berlin 1977.,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

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JEN, L. S.
JEN, L. S., So, K. F., Woo, H. H. , An anterograde HRP study of the retinocollicular pathways in normal hamsters and hamsters with one eye enucleated at birth. Brain Res. 294, 169-173 (1984) , Obr., [SD12]. // JEN, L. S., So, F.K., Yew, D. T., Lee, M. An autoradiographic study of retinofugal projections in the shark, Hemiscyllium plagiosum. Brain Res. 274, 135-139 (1983) , Obr., ,[SD48]. // JEN, L. S., Chang, A. B. An anterograde HRP study of the retinotectal pathways in albino and augmented guinea pigs.Brain Res. 263, 331-335 (1983), Obr., ,[SD48]. / JEN, L. S., Dai, Z. G., So, F. K. The connections between the parabigeminal nucleus and the superior colliculus in the golden hamster. Neurosci. Letters 51, 189-19300 (1984), Obr., ,[SD48]. // JEN, L. S., So, F. K., Xiao, Y. M., Diao, Y. C., Wang, Y. K., Pu, M. L. Correlation between the visual callosal connections and the retinotopic organization in striate-peristriate border region in the Hamster. An anatomical and physiological study. Neuroscience 4, 1003-1010 (1984), Obr., ,[SD48]. /

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DUPONT, J. L., Gardette, R., Crepel, F., Olivocerebellar projections in control and staggerer mutant mice , An autoradiographic study., Brain Res.. 270, 330-334 (1983)., Orb., [SD187]. // CREPEL, F., Mariani, J., Delhaye-Bouchaud, N., Evidence for a multiple innervation of purkinje cells by climbing fibers in the immature rat cerebellum., J. Neurobiol. 7, 567-578 (1976)., Obr., [SD102].., // DUPONT, J. L., Delhaye-Bouchard, N., Crepel, F., Autoradiographic study of the distribution of olivocerebellar cinnections during the involution of the meultiple innervation of purkinje cells by climbing fibers in the developoing rat.,, Neurosci. Letters 26, 215-220 (1981)., Orb., [SD187]..

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Vital capacity of lungs and pregnancy. .,

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