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FERNANDEZ-SEGURA, E., Garcia, J. M., Campos, A.,
Dynamic organization of the alcaline phosphatase-containing compartment during chemotactic peptide stimulation of human neutrophils imaged by backscattered electrons.,
1995 Histochem. Cell. Biol., 104, 175-181 (1995).,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr., [SDG150].,

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Onetti, Juan Carlos
Für ein namenloses Grab, Novellen.,

EUR 4,00
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Windsor, Valeri
Das vertausche Leben.,

EUR 4,00
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The derivatives of the thalamus ventralis in the human brain and their relation to the so-called subthalamus. The Military Surgeon 102, 433-447 (1948). // Kuhlenbeck, H., The pretectal region of the human brain. J. Comp.neurol. 91, 369-408 (1949)., Obr. // , The drivatives of the thalamus dorsalis and epithelamus in the human brain. Their relationship to cortical and other centers. The Military Surgeon 108, 205-256 (1951).,

EUR 9,00
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Koontz, Dean R.
Unheil über der Stadt. Ein Zombie-Roman.,

EUR 4,00
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Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena
