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Geibel, Emanuel
1890 Cotta, Stuttgart 1890,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

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Raabe, Wilhelm
Sämtliche Werke., 3. Serie V., Stopfkuchen. Eine See- und Mordgeschichte. Die Akten des Vogelsangs. Eine Erzählung.,

EUR 6,00
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Hoökfelt, Tomas
In vitro studies on the central and peripheral monoamine neurons at the ultrastructural level. Z. Zellforsch. 91, 1-74 (1998). / Hökfelt, Jonsson & Sachs. Fine structure and fluorescence morphology of adrenergic nerves after 6-hydroxydopamine in vivo and in vitro. Z. Zellforsch. 131, 529-543 (1972). / Hökfelt. Possible site of action of dopamine in the hypothalamic pituitary control. Acta Phsiol. Scand. 89, 606-608 (1973). / Hökfelt & Ljungdahl. Uptake mechanisms as a basis for the histochemical identification and tracing of transmitter specific neuron populations. / Bjoerklund & Hökfelt (Eds.)., Elsevier, 1983, p. 228-285, the use of axonal transport for study of neuronal connectivity. M. W. Cowan, M. Cuenod (Eds.), Amsterdam 1975. / Hökfelt et al. On the occurence of substance P containing fibers in sympathetic ganglia. Immunohistochemical evidence. Brain Res. 132, 29-41 (1977). / The distribution of enkephalin-immunoreactive cell bodies in the rat central nervous system. Neurosci. Letters 5, 25-31 (1977). / Evidence for enkephalin immunoreactive neurons in the medulla oblongata projecting to the spinal cord. Neurosci. Letters 14, 55-60 (1979). / Combination of retrograde tracing and neurotransmitter histochemistry. In Handbook of chemical neuroanatomy. I. Bjoerklund & Hökfelt (Eds.)., Elsevier, 1983, p. 228-285,

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Stifter, Adalbert

EUR 4,00
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Martyonowa, Franziska (Ed.)
Das goldmänige Pferd. Russiche Zaubermärchen.

EUR 4,00
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