Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Sämmtliche Werke. I-XL 1853 Cotta, Stuttgart 1853-1858,
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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Puschkin, Alexander Sergejewitsch Gedichte, Poeme, Eugen Onegin.,
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Herrmann, Rudi Der Modelleisenbahner, Fachzeitschrift für das Modelleisenbahnwesen. 22. Jahrgang 1973., Nr. 1 bis 12, Komplet,
EUR 12,00 Details zum Buch... | FROTSCHER, M. NAUMANN, T., Deller, T., Frotscher, M., Multiple projections are unlikely to account for the survival of rat medial septal neurons after axotomy. Neurosci Letters 211, 117-120 (1996)., Obr., [WES63]..,// FROTSCHER, M., Wagner, A., Misgeld, U., Retrograde labeling of striato-nigral neurons in the rat by three different tracers. Neurosci. Letters 38, 109-113 (1983)., Obr., [WES59].., // FROTSCHER, M., Rinne, U., Hassler, R., Wagner, A, Termination of cortical afferents on identified neurons in the caudate nucleus of the cat., A combinded Golgi-EM degeneration study., Exp. Brain Res. 3001, 329--337 (1981) Obr:, [SDG139].., // FROTSCHER, M., Zafirow, S., Heimrich, B., Development of identified neuronal types and of specific synaptic connections in slice cultures of rat hippocampous., Progr, neurobiol., 45, 143-164 (1995)., Obr., SDG139].., // FROTSCHER, M., Heimrich., B., Lamina-specific synaptic connections of hippocampal neurons in vitro.,. J. Neuroviol.., 26, 350-359 (1995)., Orb., [SDG139]..
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