Grotkop, Edith Rätsel um Petra: Illustriert von Anke Möhring. 1944 Engelbert Verlag, Balve 1970,
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Grote, Ludwig (Ed.) European Paintings in German Art Galleries. III. Masters of the twentieth Century.
EUR 9,00 Details zum Buch... | CARLSTEN, A. On the sources of the histaminase present in thoracic duct lymph., Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70, 5-26 (1950)., Obr-. [WES118].., // No changes in histaminase content of lymph and plasma in cats during pregnancy., Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70.-, 27-31 (1950)., Obr-. [WES118].. // & Wood, D., The assay of histaminase using two methods for estimation of residual histamine., Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70.-,119-125 (1950)., Obr-. [WES118].. // , Effects of adrenalectomy on lymph and plasma histaminase, Acta Physiol. Scand. Vol. 20, Supl. 70.-,33-46 (1950)., Obr-. [WES118]..
EUR 6,00 Details zum Buch... | Decostere, A. & H. Denolin La bronchospirometre. Technique er application.
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Kästner, Erich Die dreizehn Monate.,
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